#8759: My Workforce - Selected Employees Name Shown in Screen Header

When accessing the My Workforce module, the name of the employee that you are accessing and/or processing records for will be shown in the header of the screen. 

This enhancement to the workforce module includes the following areas;

Hot Tip: The naming conventions of the areas listed below may not be the same in your ionMy system, as menu names may have been adjusted during your implementation to suit your organisations nomenclature.

Personal Details
  •     Personal Details
  •     Contact
  •     User Defined
  •     Assignments
  •     Assignments Details
  •     Assets
  •     Assets Details
  •     Remuneration
  •     Leave Balances
  •     Leave History
  •     Leave History Details
  •     Application
Credentials and Training
  •     Credentials List
  •     Credentials Details
  •     Education List
  •     Education Details
Performance Reviews > Performance Management
  •     Discussion Log
  •     Discussion Log Details
  •     Counselling Log
  •     Counselling Log Details
Performance Reviews > Performance Reviews
  •     Performance
  •     Performance Details
  •     Remuneration
  •     Remuneration Details
  •     Award
  •     Award Details
  •     Position
  •     Position Details
  •     Grade
Health & Safety Profile
  •     Vaccinations List
  •     Vaccinations Details
  •     Allergies/Conditions
  •     Linked Records
Staff Profiles
  •     Staff Profiles